A Guide Through Brand Positioning
A brandbook can be a cumbersome tome or a slim ten-page primer, all depending on the company’s needs
When creating a website, the goal isn’t just to make a convenient, functional website. It’s not just about the customer’s journey. And it’s not about visual appeal and pretty pictures either. It’s not even about creating a memorable website with a concept and a story behind it.

All those things are indispensable, but a website isn’t an island. It’s merely a part of your overall branding and should be consistent with the rest of it. Luckily, this isn’t terra incognita: we have maps and we have guidelines. In this article we'll be showcasing excerpts from the brandbooks we've made for Simla and Sotka.

A brandbook can be a cumbersome tome or a slim ten-page primer, all depending on the company’s needs. The important thing is that it exists. As it illuminates the way for marketing execs coming up with the company’s direction, designers creating various media for the brand, all the way to the SMM guy being sure exactly what to post, they pave the road for the customer. We all value consistency and coherency. They provide brand awareness, and as we learn more and more of a brand, we get used to it. We trust it.